Or, I Am A Rather Lousy Ravelympian.
3:30 PM: Buy yarn for Ravelympics socks.
Cherry Tree Hill Sockittome in a potluck colorway ("Water" - whatever. I haven't seen much pink, purple, or red water.)
10:30 PM: Realize that I haven't actually signed up for the Ravelympics.
10:31 PM: Sign up for Ravelympics.
10:45 PM: Search through 15630548304819357314 favorited sock patterns in search of The Perfect Ravelympics Sock.
10:50 PM: Decide to try the Flutter-By socks. Commence swatching. (yes, I know, I swatched for a sock.)
11:30 PM: Realize that the sock is a) WAY too big and b) pooling like crazy.
11:45 PM: Realize again that the sock is a) WAY too big and b) pooling like crazy.
11:50 PM: Rip out sock swatch.
Sometime between 6 and 7 AM: turn off both my alarms.)
8:30 AM: Lie in bed, basking in the joy that is Saturday morning.
8:32 AM: Remember that as joyous as Saturday mornings are, this is in fact FRIDAY, and I have to be at work in 28 minutes.
9:30 AM: Get on internet to find The Perfect Ravelympics Sock.
9:31 AM: Read headline story on CNN.com. Have heart attack as it hits me that one of my best friends and her fiancee are in the Republic of Georgia, which is currently being bombed by Russia.
10:01 AM: After several frantic text and Facebook messages, remember the name of the missions agency.
10:02 AM: Call missions agency. They're on the other side of the country and safe, thank God.
10:15 AM: Realize that I still haven't found The Perfect Ravelympics Sock (TPRS from here on out). Open 350483937951793473070 web browser pages of sock patterns.
10:45 AM: Decide and cast on for Charade.
5:05 PM: